Personal Holistic Health Advice
We pride ourselves to stand behind the products we sell. Through close consultation we can offer you a range of holistic natural products, tailored to your needs.
Natural Health advice
How it works
Over the past 7 years one of our strengths has been to offer personalised natural health advice in-store, one-to-one. To see our customers regain energy, health or wellbeing and to be able to enjoy life a bit more is what drives us. Walk-in and visit us instore when it suits you.
Free Consultation
Visit one of our health professionals instore for a one-on-one discussion, or give us a call on (03) 441 4225.
Personal Health Advice
Built on the information you've provided we will assess your needs and offer personal recommendations (free of any obligations)
Implement our advice and we would expect you to notice improvements within a reasonable timeframe. Individual results will vary and if no noticeable improvements are seen we encourage you to talk to us about modifications or alternatives to your regime.
Follow up
We care about your results. Therefore, with your approval, we will follow up after 30 days to discuss your experience. If needed we can offer amendments to your supplement program.
Natural Health News